
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Potty Triumphs!

So we have been attempting potty training off and on for a few months, usually with a lot of sitting on the potty in front of cartoons for a long time and peeing in her panties as soon as she gets up... Yeah fun stuff, lol.

Well, she turned 3 last week, and the week before her birthday I decided to hit it hard. We really started staying extremely consistent every day, rewarding every success with a sticker. She was doing well, but we had a couple of days where we had to take a break since it would have been rough trying to potty train (going to the fair, and birthday, of course). We picked up where we left off, though, and we are FINALLY getting success!!!

I am proud to say that our sweet little girl has been dry for three days! THREE DAYS PEOPLE!!! This is HUGE! She's finally figured out how to make herself go on demand (pee anyway) and will go within a couple of minutes of sitting on the potty. This makes it easy for me to just make sure she goes every 2-3 hours--and she does!

We are still working on night time (I still don't trust her overnight since she's just now getting it, so she still wears a diaper at night. But she has been dry in the mornings, so we're getting there too!). She's also been dry at nap time! I can't tell you how excited this makes me (and her! She is SO proud of herself!).

We printed out a potty chart off the internet last week and this is how full it is! She LOVES putting the stickers on it :)

So for you moms out there still in the potty training ring, it does get better and consistency is the key! Also, make sure they are ready. If they aren't ready, it's hard to get them to understand that you want them to pee when you put them on the potty. If they don't get it right away, don't get discouraged. They will get it eventually. Sometimes you might just need to take a break for a few weeks and then try again, or sometimes you may just have to keep at it with a consistent schedule. Either way, it will happen when they are ready for it to happen! 

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